product description
Neatcut Oil - Machine Cutting Fluid
Very high performance neat cutting oil.
- Laboratory formulated and tested to provide advanced performance
- Special formula provides extended tool life and protect your machine
- Clean, stain resistant application
- Neatcut is a pure 100% oil product.
- Far better than soluble oil alternatives (which will cause staining and deterioration over time due to water content).
Types available
- 2 litre (Item No. 8885A)
- 4 litre (Item No. 8885)
- This oil should be used as is (neat) - not to be diluted with water.
- Mixing this oil with water would lead to an inferior end result.
- Water will stain castings and over time cause surfaces to rust.
- Neatcut is designed to prevent water staining and rust, and instead protect your machinery.